120% Low Price Guarantee

It’s simple! Magid guarantees you’re getting the best price. If you should find a better price online for a product you bought on magidglove.com within 10 days of purchase, we will credit you 120% of the difference.

What does the 120% Low Price Guarantee cover?

The 120% Price Protection applies to every product we sell in our online store. See requirements below.

How can Magid offer a 120% Low Price Guarantee?

Magid Glove & Safety is America’s leading manufacturer, importer, distributor and direct supplier of personal protection equipment. We manufacture and purchase safety equipment in such large quantities we can offer huge savings to the public.

How does the 120% Low Price Guarantee work?

Just provide us with a direct URL to the product page on the website that offers a lower price. Please call us at 800-867-1083 or email us at 120PriceGuarantee@magidglove.com.

To receive the credit, order your item from magidglove.com, email us the URL of the website of the retailer’s item found at a lower price within ten days of your order. We will verify the information, and you will receive a credit towards your next purchase. 

Guarantee not valid for customers with contract pricing or freight terms.


  • The price we're matching must be for an identical product by the same manufacturer (model, color, size, component, etc.).
  • The product must be in stock for immediate shipment.
  • The lower price is not for any factory “second", “blemished" or “used" item.
  • The lower price is not obtained in any “going out of business", “liquidation sales", "clearance" or similar instances priced below standard dealer cost.
  • The lower price is not obtained in any auctions, affiliate coupons, “first time customer” promo offers, paid or unpaid membership clubs, unauthorized dealers, private individuals or stores not located in the United States
  • We look at the final price. That means all fees and shipping costs.

Shop with us today and enjoy the peace of mind knowing you are getting the best products at the lowest prices.