7 Core Principles to Maximize Safety Compliance

7 Core Principles to Maximize Safety Compliance

You know your safety basics and you have plans and policies in place. But a periodic check to make sure you’re covering all the bases is an effective way to fill in gaps you may be missing. Here are seven core safety principles along with specific ideas you might need to add.
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By Shannon Chalfant, Staff Writer, Magid

You know your safety basics and you have plans and policies in place. But a periodic check to make sure you’re covering all the bases is an effective way to fill in gaps you may be missing. Here are seven core safety principles along with specific ideas you might need to add.

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Sitting your workers in front of another slide presentation can turn class time into nap time. Be sure to liven up your safety training and remember the Three Types of Learning:

  • Auditory Learning (hearing)
  • Visual Learning (seeing)
  • Tactile Learning (touching)

Are your classes getting stale? Try some of these training tips from other safety managers.

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Keep Safety Center-Stage

ASSE Board Member Carl Heinlein said he doesn’t use the term “Safety Culture” but prefers to talk about “Company Culture” to emphasize that safety should permeate an organization from top to bottom. Ask yourself if you’ve made safety a core value:

  • Do your workers know that rule-bending isn’t allowed?
  • Do you set a personal example? Workers tend to follow your lead.
  • Do you have regular safety meetings to keep safety top-of-mind?
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Post Signs & Labels

Proper signs and labels serve as important daily reminders for even the most experienced workers.

  • Have you looked around your facility to ensure that reminders aren’t getting lost?
  • Are there opportunities for reminders that you’re missing?
  • Are there places you might add and even rotate free workplace safety posters to keep workers reading fresh advice?
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Give Employees the Tools They Need to Succeed

Don’t forget the last line of defense – PPE! New designs and materials are being developed every day. Do your workers need:

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Provide Regular Maintenance on All Machines

  • The most careful worker may get injured in a machine malfunction. In fact, machine entanglements alone account for almost 34,000 workplace injuries each year.
  • Is your machine maintenance up to date? Check your schedules for regular cleaning, service, and inspection.
  • Make sure your workers are well-trained on lockout/tagout and that you’re using the latest technologies.
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Look Out for the Big 3 – Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Be sure to train your workers to avoid these common hazards. Messy or crowded work zones lead to unnecessary accidents.
  • Do you take regular walks through your facility to make sure spills are cleaned up, pathways are clear of clutter, cords aren’t tangled, and machines are locked and guarded?
  • Do you encourage your workers to speak up when they see a problem?
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Celebrate Your Safety Success!

Finally, if you’ve got it all covered, celebrate the achievement and keep it going! Here is a list of ideas to keep workers engaged and make safety compliance fun and easy to remember!
